The Farm Market Fresh program, also known as the Senior & WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (S/FMNP) is a federal and state nutrition program administered by DARS’ Division for Community Living that authorizes farmers to accept Virginia’s Farm Market Fresh for Older Adults and WIC Program (S/FMNP) vouchers at farmers' markets.
The purposes of the program include providing fresh fruit and vegetables and nutrition education to participants; promotion and use of farmers’ markets as a direct marketing outlet for Virginia farmers; and promotion of Virginia fresh fruit, vegetables and cut herbs.
Senior FMNP
What is Farm Market Fresh for Older Adults?
Older adults are eligible to receive 10 vouchers ($5 each), totalling $50 worth of farmers’ market vouchers to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and fresh cut herbs from approved vendors if the following statements are true:
Vouchers issued to eligible participants:
June 1 - September 30
Vouchers can be redeemed at participating
farmers' markets & roadside stands:
June 1 - November 17
The WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) was established by Congress in July 1992 to provide fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables through farmers’ markets and roadside stands to WIC participants, and to expand awareness and use of, and sales at, farmers’ markets and roadside stands.
What is Farm Market Fresh for WIC?
Pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants (5-12 months) and children (1 year to 5 years of age) are eligible to receive $30 worth of farmers’ market checks to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs from approved vendors.
Who is eligible?
WIC families who are served by the following WIC Clinics:
Did you receive farmers’ market checks?
These resources are here to help:
How to find a Farmers’ Market with authorized farmers:
Look for this sign that identifies authorized farmers at farmers' markets:
2025 Sign Coming Soon!
Interested in becoming an authorized Farm Market Fresh Farmer/Vendor?
2025 Farmer Application coming soon!
Email or mail your completed Farmer application and agreement to:
Farm Market Fresh (S/FMNP)
1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23229
Matthew Wasikiewicz
Farm Market Fresh Coordinator
Phone: (804) 774-9067
DARS hosts virtual Training & Information Sessions for interested farmers to discuss the details of this program.
Due to program updates, in 2025 ALL participating farmers must attend one training session before accepting Farm Market Fresh checks at the market.
Virtual Farmer Training & Information sessions will be offered the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at alternating times (3:30 – 4:30pm or 5:30 – 6:30pm) on the following dates:
Farmers who need assistance attending a Training & Information Session, please call Matthew, the Farm Market Fresh Coordinator, at (804) 774-9067.
Now Accepting New Roadside and Farm Stands! Any farmer seeking approval for a new Roadside or Farm Stand must satisfy three requirements for their stand. Your Roadside Stand:
If your Roadside or Farm Stand meets the above criteria, please list the details on the 2024 Farmer Application (for new 2024 farmers) or 2024 Authorized Farmer Renewal Form (for 2023 returning farmers).
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.