The Aging Programs within the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services has three advisory boards. Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-2100, advisory boards provide advice and comment to an executive branch agency or office. An advisory board, commission or council serves as a formal liaison between the agency or office and the public to ensure that the agency or office understands public concerns and that the activities of the agency or office are communicated to the public. An advisory board, commission or council does not serve a regulatory or rule-making purpose. It may participate in the development of public policy by providing comment and advice.
The advisory boards meet quarterly and all meetings are open to the public. View directions to DARS Office for Aging Services.
Upcoming Meetings can be found on theCommonwealth Calendar. You can search by date or by keyword.
Dementia State Plan. Among the Commission’s duties and activities are to:
Established pursuant to § 51.5-154 of the Code of Virginia, the ADRD Commission develops and oversees the implementation of the Commonwealth's
Powers, Duties & Bylaws
Dementia State Plan
Previous Electronic Meetings
Upcoming Meetings (10am – 2pm unless otherwise noted):
Workgroup Meetings
You can find agendas and minutes from past meetings on our SharePoint site. You can also select a committee below to see just that committee's documents.
For Questions:
George Worthington
Dementia Services Director
Phone: (804) 662-9154
Established pursuant to §§ 51.5-127 and 51.5-128 of the Code of Virginia, the CCOA promotes an efficient, coordinated approach by state government to meeting the needs of older Virginians. The CCOA supports communities that are accessible, livable, age-friendly, and promote independence. Among its duties and activities, the CCOA:
Powers, Duties & Bylaws
Previous Electronic Meetings
Annual Best Practices Awards
Upcoming Meetings:
Sub-Committee Meeting:
You can find agendas and minutes from past meetings on our SharePoint site. You can also select a committee below to see just that committee's documents.
For Questions:
Sara Stowe
Executive Director
Phone: (804) 910-5803
Established pursuant to § 51.5-149.1 of the Code of Virginia, the VPGCAB reports to and advises the Commissioner of DARS on the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program (VPGCP). The VPGCAB: Assists in the coordination and management of the local and regional programs appointed to act as public guardians and conservators:
Powers, Duties & Bylaws Reports Previous Electronic Meetings
Upcoming Meetings:
You can find agendas and minutes from past meetings on our SharePoint site. You can also select a committee below to see just that committee's documents.
For Questions:
Laura Koch
Director, Public Guardian & Conservator Program
Phone: (804) 588-3989