Adult day care provides supervised activities in a community center or other location for older adults and adults with disabilities who cannot remain alone at home during the day. Adult day facilities are licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services.
Care Transitions is the movement of individuals between health care providers and settings as their condition and care needs change during the course of a chronic or acute illness. It involves a set of actions designed to ensure the coordination and continuity of health care as individuals transfer between different locations, such as hospital and home, with an emphasis on preventing unnecessary hospitalizations.
Case management/Care Coordination assesses an individual’s needs and assists them and/or their family members with locating, applying for, receiving, and coordinating needed services and supports.
Checking (telephone reassurance) is the service of contacting older persons at their residence to make sure they are well and safe. This activity may also serve to provide psychological reassurance to an older adult who is alone and in need of personal contact from another individual.
Chore is the performance of tasks such as heavy cleaning, yard work, and removal of ice and snow for individuals who are unable to do it themselves.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) helps individuals coping with chronic diseases, such as arthritis, high blood pressure and diabetes, to take steps to improve their overall health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle through a series of six 2½ hour weekly workshops. Participants are given tools and information about exercise, healthy eating and appropriate use of medications to help them manage their chronic illnesses.
Communication, Information and Referral Assistance (CRIA) provides information about local resources to help older adults, individuals with disabilities, caregivers, and/or families understand their choices and access long-term care services to meet their needs.
Counseling services include individual counseling, support groups and caregiver training provided to assist caregivers with decision making and problem solving related to their caregiving roles.
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion activities provide older adults with counseling and educational materials which help them adjust their lifestyles and physical activities in order to prevent many of the physical losses commonly experienced in old age.
Elder abuse prevention assists individuals who, because of advanced age, impaired health, or physical disability, are unable to care for themselves or their affairs and are at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, including financial exploitation.
Emergency services provide limited funds and other resources, including referrals to other public and private agencies, to older individuals who have an emergency need that endangers their health or well-being.
Employment assists older adults age 55 and over who are seeking part-time or full-time employment.
Homemaker services provide assistance with household tasks, essential shopping, meal preparation, and other household activities which enable an individual to remain at home.
Institutional (out of home) Respite is provided for the care recipient in an institutional setting, such as a nursing home or assisted living facility, for a short period of time to provide temporary relief for their caregiver.
Legal Assistance provides legal advice, assistance, referrals and representation, as appropriate and depending on available resources, on civil legal matters in the following areas: income, including public benefits and matters related to financial exploitation; health care including Medicaid; long-term care issues; nutrition; housing; utilities; protective services, including abuse and neglect; guardianship and guardianship alternatives; and age discrimination.
Meals and Nutrition Services provide hot and cold meals, as well as nutrition education and counseling, to older adults. These meals may be served at a community center or other central [group] location or delivered to the homes of those individuals who cannot leave their homes.
No Wrong Door (NWD) is a statewide initiative, designed to help people navigate a complex system of long-term care services, avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital and/or nursing home, and support individual choice.
Ombudsman serves as an advocate for individuals who receive long-term care services. The program investigates and resolves complaints made by, or on behalf of, older persons in long-term care facilities (nursing homes and licensed adult homes) or who are receiving community-based long-term care services.
Options Counseling is an interactive decision-support process where individuals, with support from family members, caregivers, and /or significant others, are supported in their deliberations to make informed long-term support choices based on their individual preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances.
Personal Care services provide assistance with critical activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, eating, and toileting. Personal care providers are licensed by the Virginia Department of Health.
Public Guardianship is Virginia’s public safety net that provides guardian and/or conservator services for adults who are incapacitated, indigent and in need of someone to help them make medical, financial, or daily living decisions, but who have no suitable or willing person to serve as their guardian. A guardian or conservator is appointed by a circuit court to act legally on the individual’s behalf.
Residential Repair and Renovation programs assist older adults to maintain their homes to conform to minimum housing standards and/or to adapt their homes to meet their accessibility needs. The types of repairs or modifications may include minor repairs to the structure itself, electrical and plumbing repairs, weatherization, and accessibility modifications that are essential to maintaining the individual’s health and safety.
Respite Care Initiative provides temporary relief for caregivers of older adults and individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders. This state program provides up to 40 hours of respite per month.
Transportation transports older adults to and from needed community facilities and resources. Unassisted transportation is typically curb-to-curb while assisted transportation is door to door.
Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) assists Medicare eligible persons to evaluate their insurance needs, choose a Medicare Plan, choose a Medicare supplemental policy, if needed, review long-term care insurance policies, and apply for low income subsidies and Medicare Savings Plans.
Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program provides reimbursement vouchers to home-based family caregivers for the cost of temporary, short-term respite care provided to their family members with disabilities. Virginia families who care for a loved one of any age with disabilities or chronic conditions can apply for up to $400 reimbursement for respite care under this limited voucher program.
Volunteer programs develop opportunities and recruit and supervise individuals who want to do volunteer work in aging programs and services.
Programs and services offered by the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) will vary. AAAs provide services primarily to individuals age 60 and older. Additional eligibility criteria may apply, depending on the program or service. For more information, contact your Local AAA.