
The Division for Aging Services helps older Virginians live as independently as possible by coordinating and providing services to help them maintain their dignity and security. Our website provides information that aging Virginians, caregivers and their families can use in making important decisions about their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

The Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services is designated by the federal government as the agency to oversee all state programs using funds provided by the federal Older Americans Act and the Virginia General Assembly. Area Agencies on Aging contract with the Division to provide services for older Virginians and their families in communities throughout Virginia.

The Division for Aging Services works with 25 local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) as well as various other public and private organizations to help older Virginians, their families and loved ones find the services and information they need.

If you have any questions, or need more detailed information, please contact us. We also welcome your comments and suggestions regarding our site. Thank you for visiting, and come again soon!

Our Mission

The Division for Aging Services fosters the independence and well-being of older Virginians and supports their caregivers through leadership, advocacy and oversight of state and community programs, and guides the Commonwealth in preparing for an aging population.

Photo collage of older adults

Virginia Area Agencies on Aging

The Area Agencies on Aging (AAA’s) are the gateways to home and community-based services for aging Virginians, their family, and caregivers. View the area map to find your local AAA.

Highlighted Programs and Services

Dementia Capable Virginia

Dementia Capable VA logo Are you looking for resources to help you navigate caring for a loved one living with dementia? Dementia Capable Virginia, an initiative of the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Commission and DARS, offers a range of resources to download including the Virginia Dementia Road Map and Caregiver Tip Sheets on a range of topics. Professionals and service providers can also find materials and resources here, including screening materials and the Primary Care Dementia Practice Toolkit.


VICAP logo Do you need help with your Medicare plan or long-term care insurance? If so, the Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) program can assist you with free, unbiased, confidential counseling to compare insurance plan options. Individual counseling assistance is available through the VICAP.

Please remember, ALL counseling is provided at your local Area Agency on Aging.

Senior & WIC Farmers Market
Nutrition Program

Farm Market Fresh logo

The Farm Market Fresh Program is a federal nutrition program offered in certain areas of the Commonwealth where benefit checks are provided to individuals to purchase locally grown produce from farmers certified by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Caregivers may apply for temporary voucher program for respite

caregiving around the clock November is National Family Caregivers Month. DARS recognizes the tremendous effort and care that one in five Virginians provide loved ones, often around the clock. Virginia families who care for a loved one with disabilities or chronic conditions can now apply for up to $400 reimbursement to get help taking a break from those duties, under a limited respite care voucher program from DARS.

Public Guardianship and Conservator Program

Photo of joined hands Guardianship serves society's most vulnerable individuals who need assistance in making decisions about their health, lives, and finances and who may be at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Our agency provides public guardianship services for individuals who are: 18 years of age and older; incapacitated; indigent; and have no willing and suitable person to serve as their guardian.

Falls Prevention

Fall prevention programMany older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults.

Bingocize programBingocize® combines exercise and health information with the familiar game of bingo. Participants complete a series of strategically inserted exercises designed to increase or decrease the intensity and volume of exercise.
Contact Andi Platea for more info:

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